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In order for you to receive the goods accurately and quickly, please check the address of your order again, especially your city and zip code (the city and zip code must match each other), and your phone number;
Almost all imported goods have to pay tariffs in each country, and the customs clearance fee for goods varies from country to country. The specifics are subject to the actual customs clearance of the goods. We also declare the price when we deliver the goods to facilitate customs clearance for customers. Customs clearance needs to be cleared by myself. Customers who need to make invoices please leave the post office and contact customer service in time. We will assist you in customs clearance, and please actively clear customs. If the goods are returned to the general office for destruction due to failure to clear customs, the customer is responsible for the goods; If the goods are not picked up in time after arrival, the goods will be returned to the General Administration for destruction, which is also borne by the customer;
3. Due to the large size of this product, you can contact customer service to customize it as needed. Due to the remoteness of some areas, long-distance transportation charges may apply. After placing the order, if you need to make up the freight, the customer service will take the initiative to contact you, and we will deliver the goods as soon as possible;
4. Because the product is too large, we will send other express instead of DHL to send special line logistics. Usually, the estimated delivery time is about 35-45 days by postal air, about 45-65 days by European railway and Australian sea freight line (including tariffs), and about 35-50 days by American special line. Affected by the global epidemic, the specific timeliness depends on the logistics situation. Please contact the customer in time if there is any situation. Please forgive me for the inconvenience.

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