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5 Tips for Carving out a Kid’s Homework Space or Office

Much to your child’s chagrin, the start of a new school year means the onslaught of homework, school projects, and studying. If you’ve got a busy, school-age child, a dedicated workspace or office is a must. No more taking over the dining room table!

1. A Big Work Table for Homework & Craft Projects

No, your dining room table doesn’t count, although we do love the functionality of a large table instead of a desk. In the space above, we used a large zinc-topped dining table as a craft table in a kid’s playroom. The zinc tops means that it’s easier to clean than a wooden table, and pens and marker won’t stain! And with our Sommerville Office Collection hugging the exterior walls, it leaves plenty of room for a big open workspace where the whole family can spread out. Monday through Friday this is homework ground zero, but on the weekends it can be a craft space too!

Work table for homework and craft projects

The great thing about this home office is that there is plenty of room for everyone to get things done. Multiple people can spread out at the work table, while someone else can be working at the computer in the corner. Everyone is out of each others way and able to focus!

2. Use a Two Sided Desk

For a workspace that multiple people can use, we love our Tuscan Return Office Group. The bookshelves pack in a ton of storage space, and the floating desk enables two people to work simultaneously. This hardworking office makes homework hour much more enjoyable and frees up that dining table that’s been taken over by spelling note cards, algebra homework, and history books!

Two sided desk in office

3. Prettify Your Old Desk & Chair

If you don’t have enough room in your home for a full on work room, you can always squeeze in a pretty desk + chair combo. But don’t just throw together odds and ends from elsewhere in your home. Paint your old desk, reupholster a chair, be sure to add lighting, and hang a pretty bulletin board, this way your kids can have a workspace that motivates them to sit down and knock out their studies!

Whether you squeeze a desk and chair into a main living space, an area off the kitchen, or simply into your child’s room, a large desk, comfortable chair, and pretty (and functional) accessories can go a long way to making the space inviting … cause let’s face it, offices aren’t usually places you want to spend time! For those small workspaces without tons of storage, we like using cute desktop organizers to keep together pencils, paper clips, and other necessities.

4. Bring in Fun Elements

A couple of playful elements can go a long way in turning the dreaded homework space into an area your kids won’t mind spending time. We used a fun rug for a little pattern and colorful accessories to brighten up the room.

5. Labeling Let’s Kids Stay Organized

Let’s face it, once you’ve gotten your homework space organized and up and running, how long will it be before that neat and tidy system starts to break down? We love the idea of using chalkboard drawers to keep things organized, and having large labels mean that your kids can more easily put things back where they belong. Now isn’t that a nice thought?

Just because homework and studying can feel like a drag doesn’t mean your workspace has to be, and we feel confident that an organized, inspiring space will help motivate your kids (and even you!) to sit down and get things done.

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